What is Medicinal Cannabis?

Medicinal Cannabis’ refers to the range of legal, approved and quality-assured cannabis products intended for human therapeutic use. Medicinal cannabis comes in various forms, most used is oil, but it is also available in tinctures, capsules, extracts, dried flowers, and resin.

Medicinal cannabis contains known amounts of active components; these can be carefully controlled, standardised, and administered to benefit the patient. The two most essential cannabinoids in medicinal cannabis are THC and cannabidiol CBD.


Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a referral for a medicinal cannabis appointment.


Is there an age limit?

Yes, you need to be 18 years old.
"Under 18 in certain circumstances"


What is cannabis?

Cannabis is any plant from the genus cannabis species


What is Medicinal Cannabis?

Medicinal cannabis comes in various forms, most used is oil

Regulation of Medicinal Cannabis:

In Australia, the Commonwealth Department of Health regulates medicinal cannabis products through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). 

Regulations are in place to ensure high-quality, consistent, and standardised medications are available for the Australian consumer.


An appointment will be made for you, and if you are eligible, then we will explain the process and the treatment that is appropriate for you. We collect payment for the appointment and link you with our partnered pharmacy we will then send your medication to your residential address. You pay the pharmacy for your medication

Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a referral for a medicinal cannabis appointment.

Is there an age limit?

Yes, you need to be 18 years old.
“Under 18 in certain circumstances”

What conditions can be approved for Medicinal Cannabis use?

Medicinal cannabis has been approved for over 100 various medical conditions in Australia. Approvals are granted case-by-case basis depending on the individuals’ symptoms, circumstances and needs.
Some common conditions include the following:

How it works:

You go to a new doctor for surgery and see the doctor – you show the doctor your QR code or NFC tag, and it is either scanned with the Dr phone – the case of the NFC tag and that directs the Dr to the information that you have saved on that NFC tag. 


Or, in the case of the QR Code – you are directed to a document – that is in the cloud, and the Dr can see the information that has been added there.


This information is only as good as the person who has given it to me – if they forget to add a medication or an allergy – unless they sign a release of information, then I can only add the information that I have received.

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Our products

QR Codes – the data is stored in the ‘cloud’ and can only be accessed by someone who has access to the QR Code. 

Each QR Code is individual to each person.


We are excited to announce upcoming classes at our retail shop & studio enim ad minim veniam.Are excited to announce upcoming classes at our retail shop.