
Medical QR Codes/ NFC Tags

The newest innovation. A safe and reliable way to keep your medical information, allergies, medication and any other relevant information that may assist others to help you.

Medical QR Codes are a new initiative that can be used to assist patients share information with others and/or clinicians that may need to assist them in offering them medical interventions.

Medical QR Codes can convey information to others – it helps others understand your medical needs, health conditions, medications, and allergies.

If you have conditions such as autism, anxiety and/or PTSD, where you may become overwhelmed at times and unable to share what you need verbally, Medical QR Codes can provide information to others to assist you.

Note. All information is kept to the strictest confidential levels. None of your information will ever be shared with any third party.

For examples of how Medical QR codes can assist you, click the Read More button below.

Important Features

How Do They Work?

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Health Record Catalog

Contains medical information such as allergies, a diagnosis such as diabetes or heart disease, medications, emergency contacts

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Medical Reminder Program

It can be set to send reminders to take medications at specific times so individuals dont forget.

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Wearable ID Card

It can be worn as an item such as a necklace or bracelet or carried as a card or on your mobile phone.

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On-Demand Records

Easy access for health professional


Genetic Risk Appraisal

Family History/genetic - ensure family history of previous conditions and disorders are recorded for medical purposes.

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Safe Transfer Tutorials

They are dynamic and can contain video of how someone can assist you, such as safely getting you out of your wheelchair

What Would I Have A QR Code or NFC Tag for?

Disability QR Codes/NFC Tags

  • They can help people assist you when you are unable to verbalise what you need; this may be due to being non-verbal, having a panic attack or in the middle of disassociating due to PTSD.
  • They can also contain your address if you require


  • It can contain health information regarding your children, things such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, allergies and medications. It can also contain information about court orders.


  • Do you have pets at home? If you are in the hospital and unable to communicate, who would you like to collect your pet to keep them safe until you can return home? 
  • Does your pet have any special needs?
  • Who is your local vet?
  • Is your pet on any medications or have any allergies?


  • It can be used to ensure that you and your children are kept safe, and information is not given to a partner that you left due to domestic violence
  • It can store information about court orders
  • It can contain information about child safety matters ( if you are in an accident and your hildren are not to goto the other parent due to safety issues)

Everyday QR Codes/NFC Tags

  • It can be used to contain everyday information such as your car insurance company and policy number, health insurance policy and number, house insurance policy and number
  • Birthdays and anniversaries, on the NFC tag reminders can be set to alert you to an upcoming birthday/occasion
  • It can be used to save the serial numbers of important purchases such as play stations, mountain bikes, and anything with a serial number

Why Purchase a Medical QR Code?

Are you a tourist/traveller and need to see a new GP/NP while travelling? 

All your medical information, medications, Next of Kin (NOK), and allergies – all your new GP/NP needs to scan your QR code, and all your medical information is available to them.

Are you neurodiverse? Are there times when you are overwhelmed and unable to share your needs with others verbally? 

Allowing them to scan your Medical QR Code will make them aware of your needs, enabling them to assist you.