
These are QR codes that contain information that you would like it to hold regarding you medical issues. This can be allergies, diagnosis, medications, your regular doctor, physiotherapist, dentist, chiropractor. Other information can be added to reflect your unique situation.


QR codes containing medical information can be a valuable tool for individuals who want to ensure that their medical history and important health information is easily accessible in case of an emergency. These codes can contain a variety of information, including allergies, diagnoses, medications, regular doctors, and other healthcare providers.

Individuals can customize their QR codes to reflect their unique situation and ensure that healthcare providers have access to the most relevant and up-to-date information. For example, a person with a severe allergy to a specific medication can include this information on their QR code to alert medical professionals in case of an emergency.

In addition to providing important health information, QR codes can also save time and reduce errors during the intake process. Rather than relying on patients to remember and relay their medical history, healthcare providers can quickly scan the QR code to access the information they need.

To use a QR code containing medical information, individuals can simply generate the code and save it to their phone or print it out and carry it with them. When a healthcare provider needs to access the information, they can use a QR code reader app on their phone or tablet to quickly scan the code and access the information.

Overall, QR codes containing medical information are a simple yet powerful tool that can help individuals stay safe and healthy by ensuring that their critical health information is easily accessible when it’s needed most.

Additional information


Initial Medical QR Code, Updated Medical QR code, Pensioner (Aged, Disability, Health Care cards) Card Holders, Update for pension card holders


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